Hello, I am Dr. Kristina Kincaid. As an Anthropologist, Brennan Healing Science Practitioner, Core Energetics Practitioner with a doctorate in Theology and Energy Medicine, I am also an explorer of non-traditional healing modalities.  

My observations of healers has taken me to six continents in search of healing for myself from sexual trauma at an early age. I tried traditional therapy for many years and while it helped me to see many things about myself, the trauma never resolved from the deepest levels of my being. I have had the opportunity over the years to experience and witness a great deal of healing for myself and that of others.  

I have gone around the world asking non-traditional Healers about their thoughts on healing. What is healing? How do we heal? What is the common thread across cultures that underlies the healing process. Through this lens I have received a deep multidimensional look at the process of healing itself.

On my journey I have found that the secret that underlies healing is simple yet radical. We are already whole. Underneath our fears and worries, unaffected by the many layers of our conditioning and actions, is a radically alive and loving core. The work of healing is in peeling away the barriers that keep us unaware of our true nature and rich interconnection with the web of life. Healing is the rediscovery of who we are and who we have always been. 

A healer, as I see it today, is someone who helps and supports people in the process of learning to trust their own inner truths and to live more fully and freely. The healer acts as a conduit of the healing force whether one calls it Source, Infinite Intelligence, God, Christ, the Inner Teacher or whatever. The curious paradox in healing is that the role of the healer is not to do the healing but instead to empower and enable the person to achieve healing.

The human body has a remarkable built-in healing mechanism; it is constructed and programmed in such a way that it can heal itself. People are healed by many different kinds of healers and systems because the real healer is within. The different healing modalities below that I use in my practice are different ways of activating the inner healer.  


Core Energetics

Core Energetics is a synthesis of body-oriented psychotherapy and spiritual development based on Wilhelm Reich’s work and further advanced by Dr. John Pierrakos. The work brings conscious awareness to how we block our life energy by perpetuating defensive patterns adapted in childhood which keep us limited and disempowered. Core Energetics helps us understand how our life and worldview is to a large extent a function of these blocked energy patterns. These patterns keep us recreating similar life situations and relational dynamics, leaving us trapped and frustrated. The work helps identify and dissolve these blocks, allowing us to experience more freedom and aliveness.” 

It is powerful because it addresses the body in breaking through long-held defenses or what Reich called body armor. Cognitive therapy is simply not enough. This work is integrative, unifying mind, body, emotions, sexuality, will, and spirit. 

Barbara Brennan
Healing Science

Kristina is a registered Healing Science Practitioner with the renowned Barbara Brennan School of Healing. This work combines High Sense Perception skills and hands-on energy healing techniques to assist individuals with their personal process of healing. Each healing session is a sacred experience.

The healer empowers us to look within for healing rather than to external sources for curing. The healer and the person being healed can then explore the idea that disease may not be a random event but a message telling us that we have deviated from our path.

The sessions are gentle yet profound, assisting with physical and emotional healing, energy clearing, deeper grounding and embodiment.

Yab-Yum Activation

Yab-Yum is an ancient Tantric practice going back thousands of years. It is the symbol of Divine union. “Yab-Yum” is a Tibetan term meaning “father-mother”. It is the posture in which the Cosmic energies of the masculine and feminine- in the self and the other are united. In Tibetan Tantra, it is about the union of Compassion and Truth/ Wisdom. In Indian Tantra, it is about the masculine as a passive meditator with the feminine as a dancing Shakti in his lap… pure awareness meeting pure energy. On a metaphysical level, Yab-Yum represents the union of dualistic forms in order to attain transcendence.

In other words, when we bring apparent opposites together in love - we can enter a state beyond normal consciousness: a state of oneness or unity consciousness. A remembrance of who we are beyond name and form.

This is an embodied practice that reveals deeper mysteries that are not realized from the mind. 

What makes Yab-Yum powerful is that unifies sex and spirit.

In these sessions Kristina activates and teaches individuals and couples this ancient practice.

A Total Body Orgasm Activation is a transmission of Shakti, Source energy or the inner Divine.

Kundalini Shakti is an expression of the Divine within, our inner Spiritual Director who leads us to a constant awareness of Source. Known by many names this sacred inner presence is the Divine within, is the love that guides us to union with the ultimate reality beyond all phenomena.  It is revered as the means for spiritual growth in human beings. It exists in every human being in either a released or unreleased state. It follows the natural laws of subtle body physics. It is safe, beneficial and transformative and manifests in different ways that can be quite subtle to extraordinary. It is the essential spiritual science held within all spiritual traditions, known by many different names throughout the world’s spiritual paths. It is considered the Divine design of the human being and the purpose of life.   

The practice conditions and grounds the nervous system to be able to hold more energy and to feel more intense states of ecstasy, to feel more fully alive. The deeper our pleasure, the deeper we feel connection and intimacy in our relationships and to all of life! 

This work is for individuals which serves to open and activate the bodies energy system to remove and heal blocks to our true nature- which is bliss. The energy of Shakti heals and builds new neuropathways to entrain the body to experience a whole bodied orgiastic response. This work is for individuals which serves to open and activate the bodies energy system to remove and heal blocks to our true nature-which is bliss. The energy of Shakti heals and builds new neuropathways to entrain the body to experience a whole bodied orgiastic response.

Total Body Orgasm Activation